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Gary Strodders shank 10:31 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Alcohol wise it does more damage to stop start (ie wkends dry January) than to drink evenly through the week.
I knew a tella who was regularly tested for alcohol /drugs at work so wouldn't touch a drop in the week but come Friday lunchtime would cane it big time through to Sunday lunch
He was diagnosed with hepatitis & cirrhosis ot the liver with the quack stating that binge drinking was to blame as the body never has time to adjust.
Most people diagnosed with liver issues through booze leave it off until they think its repaired itself and then go back on it not realising that in the end it wont repair no more.

Razzle 10:58 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Remember beer makes your bird look good ;)

Syd Puddefoot 11:11 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
"That’s true, nothing tastes as good as the first drink, which you are just trying to replicate." is extremely true, same as a cigarette to me recollection.

Syd Puddefoot 11:14 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
I also only partake of pot of strong coffee first thing and then no more unless i am perhaps driving. Read very recently that a couple of cups a day has some health benefits. Might help if the OP supplied the background as to why this is desirable.

mashed in maryland 11:23 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Manuel 3:20 Mon Jul 11

That's the lager. Switch to something else and you'll notice the difference. Sometimes even swapping pints for bottles helps.

You're spot on though.

A lot of this well meaning sobriety stuff lately seems to come from America (and/or is aimed at addicts). Having a couple of drinks is part of our culture, its not the done thing for blokes to unwind watching sports or having a game of pool or whatever while drinking soda pops.

mashed in maryland 11:26 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
As for coffee, its fucking mental the crossover between people who moan about never getting any sleep and being tired all the time who you see knocking back coffee at 4pm.

No one ever makes the link

Manuel 11:33 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Mashed - I only really drink lager mate, so not that easy, and am quite fussy which ones I like.

Yea, I couldn't imagine getting ready to go out meet folk in pub or wherever then commence to sip a few sprites. In fact I find it utterly bizarre, but hey each their own :-)

PS: As I'm typing this I'm thinking like everything else under the same this has all been discussed on here before, several times.

Stubbo 11:35 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Only alcohol I drink these days is some red wine if appropriate with a nice meal in/out. Maybe once every week or two.

Generally look to drink:

Heineken 0.0 or Ginger Beer & Lime.

Never been a coffee drinker.

Mike Oxsaw 11:46 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Coffee I love but can't drink - even a small cup and I get serious back pains about half an hour later (kidneys complaining, I guess), so I stopped drinking it years...decades ago.

Alcohol I can take or leave; several of my contracts have been in Islamic countries and although available was a pain in the arse to chase down - and fucked if I want to go to a hotel bar and drink on my own, anyway (although "company" would always introduce itself before I'd managed the second sip...).

Not a great lager fan, either (German & Belgium excepted), which is often all that was available outside the UK.

Cans & bottles of "foreign" beer are available in Thailand (where I plan to "run away" to), but are taxed to fuck, so I guess back on the wagon again.

ted fenton 12:17 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Gary Strodders shank 10:31 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine

Spot on Gary only the functioning parts of the liver repairs it's self.
I've been dry for 3 years next month as I have Cirrhosis I was told if I didn't stop drinking I would be dead within the year !
When I look back I was a functioning alcoholic... sadly cirrhosis is a terminal illness but a lot of people get away with heavy drinking.... I had jaundice when I was 10 and my consultant said that it would have injured the liver but maybe he was just being nice.

oioi 2:56 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Giving up booze is easy, I’ve done it loads of times.

BRANDED 3:02 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
I’m always giving up booze. Generally when I’m hung over.

Woodford Green 3:09 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
I drink coffee on most days but can't understand those that say they cannot function in the morning without having one.

I drink it because its a nice accompaniment with my breakfast and out of sheer boredom (usually when in the office)

In terms of alcohol, I like a few pints of lager after work on a friday but thats about it. Whilst I can drink more, I try and stop at 4 pints as anything more, it has a knock on effect on me the next day (not necessarily a full on hangover but generally feeling bloated and lethargic)

scott_d 3:10 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
I'm not a big drinker. Wouldn't class myself a tee-total as now and then I might have a beer but in between I'll gladly have a non-alcoholic beer.

The days when Becks Blue was your only option are hopefully over, as it's pretty shit compared to the others.

There are now an array of non or low alcohol beers that you can buy in super markets and most of the major brands also stock non/low alcohol beers.

If I fancy a beer, the low alcohol stuff can often hit the spot and I stock it home instead of normal beer.

As for caffeine, pretty much the same in that I am not completely off but I tend to drink decaf tee and same applies - there are loads of decaf teas and they taste pretty decent.

I did both for health reasons and also to compliment my fitness and running and to be honest, it wasn't that difficult once I committed.

The hardest thing for me is sugar!

j2daeww 3:49 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
What decaffeinated breakfast tea do you recommend to an American? I am a big fan of harrod’s English breakfast tea.

Manuel 3:50 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Woodford - Yep, same as me, not a hangover as such but just fucked and tired the whole day, don't feel right again until the next morning.

Side of Ham 3:53 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
j2daeww, do you want to buy a bridge?

scott_d 4:04 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
j2daeww - I'm not really a tea connoisseur so probably the wrong person to recommend!

I've had Tetley decaf tea in the past and it's absolutely fine.

Charoo 4:07 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
I’d happily never drink alcohol again - really can take or leave it. As mentioned below the first is the best and the second is because you enjoyed the first.

I generally have 1 or 2 beers then Heineken 0 but only if it’s ice cold, I actually like the flavour of that.

I’d struggle to give up caffeine, I like a big scoop of pre workout before training and I like a good coffee.

Like anything though habits take a small time to break and once you do it’s really not difficult unless you are properly addicted.

Charoo 4:09 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine

“The hardest thing for me is sugar”

Yep me too - that is the one thing I have tried to quit and just cut down on but that’s a tough one for me too.

Colchester Sid 4:15 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
From personal experience - just think about where it is you drink and do this for a year or so

If it is at home - don't have any alcohol in the house

If it is at friends or families houses - cut them out of your life

If it is at the pub - stop going to pubs

If it is linked to football or holidays - stop going to football or taking holidays

Worked for me

Never been a coffee drinker so can't comment there

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